Molly & Mia

Friday, July 14, 2006


That's all I can say.. She is STILL calling for Becca!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Fun with Auntie Jessa! November 2004

Jessa.. Remember that you love me when you see these pictures from November 2004.. I had to post them.. They are too cute!!!

" Old " Pictures.. Molly 1st Halloween!

Okay.. When we moved we found 8 old single use cameras.. Here are some of the ones from Molly's first Halloween.... Enjoy!

Molly was a Critter Bug for Halloween.. She got a little cranky as the evening went on!

Monday, July 10, 2006

FINALLY.. I am posting more pictures..

Mia and Daddy taking a nap..
Molly the Drama Queen
Molly took this BEAUTIFUL picture...

Sunshine the Kitty..

Mia sad that Molly won't play with her..
YEAH! I love Molly to play with me!!!