May 24, 2006--
** Warning! VERY "personal" info.. You were warned!! :) **
6am.. Well we dropped off Molly with Bebe, Poppy, and Big Papa and headed for the hospital.. We got checked in and registered and started settling into our room!
8am.. The nurse started my IV drip of H2O and some antibiotic and vitamins.. Dr. Roussis tried to break my water but we were not dialated enough so he said he would be back! And we started the Pit into my IV.. (this makes you have contractions!)
9:30am.. Dr. Roussis came back in to check on me and he did break my water.. It was just a small leak and my contractions were about 3 min apart but I was only dialated to 2cm.. He requested that I go ahead and get my epidural so that the "mild" contarations would not even be a problem..
10am.. The contractions were not what I would call "mild" anymore.. They were coming at about 1.5 min and lasting about 1 min.. I was breathing though them with my wonderful husband.. And I a mnot just saying that.. After my threating him with bodily harm he was still right there with me and he kept asking for my drugs.. Finally, the drug doctor came in and she started setting up to give me my epidural and she tried for 30 min and 3 seperate sticks to get it into my back.. No luck.. And the contractions were about 30 seconds apart and VERY STRONG.. My nurse decieded to check me and called in the head nurse and I was 8-9cm!!! They sat me back up really fast and called the head drug dr. in to give me my drugs super fast and Mia picked thta moment to enter the world! I told everyone that the baby was coming out and I laid back down (away from the edge of the bed!) and the nurse hit the button that gets Dr. Roussis in the room ASAP.. Everyone was screaming for me NOT TO PUSH.. I kept screaming that I was not pushing, but the baby was coming out NOW! Eric pressed down on my shoulders to keep me in the bed ( I was apparantly coming up off the bed!) and Dr. Roussis came in and put on his gloves and looked down and said well her head is out.. I guess you can push now and about that time the rest of her was born! Yeah!!
10:49am.. MIA MADDALYN EAST was born 6lbs 6.3ozs 20inches long
I have to say that having a baby with NO pain medicaine was not fun.. It was very painful and if I had to do it over again I think I would have taken crack to not feel anything! However.. Mia is so very alert and active and I feel pretty great now.. It was so much easier to get up and going.. I do admit that everytone will probably here me bragging about this fora long time!! I am very proud of myself.. I am about the biggest weinnie that I know (ask Eric) but I did it and the rewards are amazing!